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Northwest Cup

Washington State University will be hosting this event this Fall.  This event was a main stay in the late 2000's and it is exciting to bring it back for year.  

Hotels Info, and Tournament Logistics will be coming over the next week.   

Stay Tuned for Details!!!

Dates: Sept 27-29 Women Division, Oct 5/6 Men Division

Location: WSU University

Est Cost: $870

Early Bird Registration Closes on Sept 1st.. Get $220 deposit secure spot. 

Our Mission

To reduce the travel needed for Northwest college club teams,  Aztec Cup Sports is helping Washington State University bring back the Northwest Cup.  This two day event will have the University of Washington, Seattle U, Central Washington University, WSU, Gonzaga, and Montana State University face off against  each other. Great way to start the Fall  League Season.   


Northwest Cup '21
This is one of the top College Club tournaments in the Northwest. 

This event has the top college teams from across the Pacific Northwest and Inland Empire area.  Past participants include WSU, Gonzaga, EWU, University of Idaho, University of Washington, and Walla Walla College

This year we are expecting teams from Washington and Montana to attend. 

Follow the Northwest Cup on these Social Media Sites

Get In Touch


3855 Millikin Ave
San Diego, CA 92121